February 27, 2024

Celebrating Dr. 玛西娅·贝达斯:调整以实现上帝的神圣目的 

Dr. Marcia Bedasse black history month feature

PBA News

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? 行公义,好怜悯,存谦卑的心,与你的神同行.” Micah 6:8  

 This scripture has been a guiding light for Dr. 拼搏体育教育与行为研究学院院长玛西娅·贝达斯说. “上帝给我灌输了对弱势群体的热情。. Bedasse. 弥迦书6:8让我脚踏实地,提醒我要留意神子民的需要.” 

 在我们庆祝黑人历史月的时候,像布朗博士这样的人. Bedasse remind us of the power of dedication, faith, 以及如果我们遵循上帝赋予我们的目标和热情,我们对社区的影响.  

 Shifting from a Dream of the Courtroom to the Classroom 

 Born and raised in Jamaica, Dr. 贝达斯最初的志向是成为一名律师,为祖国的发展做出贡献. 她不知道,她的道路将把她从梦想中带到了通过教育来提升他人的几十年.  

正是在迈阿密一家律师事务所完成实习的时候. Bedasse realized that her true calling was teaching.

“大学毕业后,我在幼儿园教书,我发现教书就是我的目的,”她说. “在我的大部分教学生涯中,我都在人口多样化的高贫困学校任教. It was then that my heart for the underserved grew. 为那些挣扎的不同家庭服务教会了我去寻求理解, to meet people where they are, and humility.” 

A Calling to PBA 

 Dr. 贝达斯的职业生涯证明,有时候, we do not find our purpose—it finds us. 她在拼搏体育(Palm Beach Atlantic University)的职位并不是她想要的, but as she calls it, a divine intervention. 


“The job at PBA found me,” she shared. When I was working with the Palm Beach School District, 我接到一个朋友的电话,他告诉我PBA在教育部门有一个职位. I thanked him and told him I would think about it. 与此同时,我感觉到了把我的职业生涯转向另一个方向的召唤. After prayer and discussion with my family, 我决定申请,并很荣幸地加入教育与行为科学学院的团队,因为我希望这将是一个机会,让我, with God’s guidance, 影响更广泛的教师基础,因为他们踏上了触及生活的旅程……[跨越]经济和种族界限.” 

 Purpose and Impact  

 Dr. 贝达斯在PBA的职业生涯以成长和转型为标志, not just for herself but for the institution. Three years after joining PBA, 她被任命为教育与行为研究学院院长. 她认为这是一种特权,让她能够积极地影响无数人的生活.

她补充说:“这一直是我担任这个角色的动力。. There is much work to be done in changing lives, 我很感激有机会做这项工作.” 

Under her leadership, 她的团队已经获得了州重新认证,并通过各种项目与社区互动,以确保他们的工作产生深远而持久的影响.

“如果没有我有幸与之共事的团队的努力,我在PBA所做的贡献是不可能的,” said Dr. Bedasse. “我最自豪的是我们团队愿意开始成长和改变. We are implementing structures to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in responding to current needs; we have been successful in gaining state reaccreditation and also in submitting documents for new accreditations.”  

当她回顾自己的职业生涯和所走过的道路时. 贝达斯向学生和年轻的专业人士提供了这些建议.

我的建议是让自己沉浸在神的话语中. I have found it to be the best guidebook. Know your “Why,” and be true to that why. 好奇地生活,有意识地寻求学习和成长. Lastly, take time to rest, recharge and reflect.” 

 Early Influences and Inspirations  

 今天是黑人历史月,我们在结束采访的时候,必须问一问布莱克博士在哪里. 贝达斯为自己的个人和职业发展找到了灵感. 她提到了那些不为人知但却是她个人导师的人的影响.

“They are not famous people,” she highlighted. “They were people who helped shape my life. One such person was my high school headmistress at the Convent of Mercy Academy Alpha in Kingston, Jamaica, Sister Mary Bernadette Little. 伯纳黛特修女经常提醒我要实践我们高中的校训, Ad Verum et Bonum, ‘To the Good and True.'”  

她还分享说,她的曾祖母从小就教导她什么是“全心全意,用你所有的灵魂,用你所有的力量,用你所有的思想爱耶和华你的上帝。, and your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27. And, of course, there was the influence of her father. “He instilled a sense of confidence, 让我敢于冒险,让我在做每件事时都全力以赴,” she said.   

 For Dr. Bedasse, 黑人历史月不仅是承认而且是庆祝非裔美国人对国家发展的宝贵贡献的日子.

蒂姆·哈切尔指出:“当我们庆祝时,它给了我们一种自我感觉良好的方式。, and our accomplishments,” she said. “当我们庆祝时,我们是在强化对我们来说很重要的东西. Without it, we simply maintain the status quo…” 

 Dr. Bedasse stands as a beacon of purpose and change, 体现了二月份和全年的黑人历史月的精神. 我们向她对教育和社区服务的坚定承诺致敬.

Follow this link to learn more about Dr. 贝达斯和教育与行为研究学院. 


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